Hey there!

I'm Irina

I’m a Product designer based in Paris, France. I’m originally from Kazakhstan, I lived and worked in Japan, USA and France. Outside the work I love museums, antique shops, yoga and ten steps Korean skincare routine.

My Career so far

I was lucky to participate in development of great purposeful startups in Travel, Marketing and Orientation.

Primary research
Secondary research
UX audit
Usability testing
Co-creation workshops
UX design
UI design
Design systems


I've recently started to share my design experience on Medium.
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's work together
Let's make
something great !